Blue Grace


crashes thru air
where Lady LSD hangs up all the floors of life for the last time
Blue Grace leans on white slime
Blue Grace weaves in & out of Lüneburg and ‘My Burial Vault’ undulates
from first hour peyote turnon
Diderot hand in hand with the Marquis de Sade
wraps himself up in a mexican serapé
at Constitution Hall, Philadelphia, 1930

Blue Grace turns into the Count of Saint-Germain
who lives forever
cutting up George Washington
dream of pyramid liquefactions from thighs of Versailles

Blue Grace intimidates Nevil Chamberlain
feels up Fillippo Marinetti
and other hysterics of the phallic rose

Blue Grace dressed up as automobile sperm
My Claw of the future
and the almond rose Rich the Vampire wears
over the US Army
— flags !
american flags !

flying like bats
out of ‘ My Burial Vault ’ !
flood museums
where Robespierre’s murder is plotted
— floated from Texcoco,
the Prince of Bogota caught redhanded
sniffing forty cans of Berlin ether !

Hydrek ice blue teeth
impersonates, psycho-kinetically,
the resurrection of Blue Grace as prophetess of the anti-planet system

Blue Grace under dark glasses
getting out of one hundred white cars at once !
Cars of ectoplasmic tin-types
go to the juncture where Blue Grace Glass is raped
at the Court of Miracles, Mexico City, 1959

Blue Grace undressed
reveals tattoo marks of Hamburg, sea & storm of
Neptune-Pluto conjunction
Rumors of war
strafe the automation monster
walking to universal assassination
K & K and the russian poets
suck Blue Grace’s opulent morsels, back & front
The nicotine heaven of Bosch’s painting
emanates the thousand beauties of
Christopher Maclaine’s tool box
of mechanical brass jewels
the marvel
of masturbation arts,
intersects Blue Grace
at World’s Finale Orgasm Electro-Physic Apocalypse !

I sing the beauty of bodily touch
with my muse, Blue Grace
Spring 1963


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