A Vision

Our city fled,
So I sought its paths in haste
And looked around—I saw only horizon,
And I perceived that those who flee tomorrow
And those who return tomorrow
Are a body I tear apart on my page.

I could see: the clouds were a throat,
The water formed walls of flame.
I saw a sticky yellow thread,
A thread of the history that clings to me.
A hand mulls over my life, ties my days together
Time and again, a hand that was heir
To the race of dolls and the progeny of rags.

I entered the rites of creation
In the waters’ womb and the trees’ virginity,
I saw trees seducing me,
I saw rooms among their branches,
Beds and windows resisting me,
I saw children and read them
My sand, I read them
Suras of clouds and verses of stone,
I saw them journeying with me,
I saw pools of tears and the corpse of rain
Gleaming behind them.

Our city fled—
What am I? A spike of grain
Weeping for a lark
That died beneath the snow and cold,
Died without revealing its messages,
Died without writing anyone.
I questioned it and saw its corpse
Discarded at the end of time,
And I cried out, “Silence of the ice, I
Am the home of the exiled lark.
Its grave is my home, and I’m an exile.”

Our city fled,
And I saw my feet transform
Into a river overflowing with blood,
Into ships growing distant, expanding,
And I saw my drowned shores seducing ...
My waves were wind and pelicans.

Our city fled,
And refusal is a crushed pearl
Whose powder anchors my ships,
And refusal is a woodcutter living
On my face—it gathers me and sets me on fire—
And refusal is the distance that disperses me.
I see my blood and I see my death
Beyond my blood:
It speaks to me and pursues me.

Our city fled,
And I saw how my shroud illumines me,
I saw ... If only death would grant me time.
Translated from the Arabic


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