Wilfrid Wilson Gibson

Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
We ate our breakfast lying on our backs,
Because the shells were screeching overhead.
I bet a rasher to a loaf of bread
That Hull United would beat Halifax
When Jimmy Stainthorpe played full-back instead
of Billy Bradford. Ginger raised his head
And cursed, and took the bet; and dropt back dead.
We ate our breakfast lying on our backs,
Because the shells were screeching overhead.
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The Messages
“I cannot quite remember.... There were five
Dropt dead beside me in the trench—and three
Whispered their dying messages to me....”

Back from the trenches, more dead than alive,
Stone-deaf and dazed, and with a broken knee,
He hobbled slowly, muttering vacantly:

“I cannot quite remember.... There were five
Dropt dead beside me in the trench, and three
Whispered their dying messages to me....

“Their friends are waiting, wondering how they thrive—
Waiting a word in silence patiently....
But what they said, or who their friends may be
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