

What is sometimes called a
tongue of flame
or an arm extended burning
is only the long
red and orange branch of
a green maple
in early Septemberreaching
into the greenest field
out of the green woodsat the
edge of which the birch trees
appear a little tatteredtired
of sustaining delicacy
all through the hot summerre-
minding everyone (in
our family) of a Russian
songa story
by Chekhovor my father


What is sometimes called a
tongue of flame
or an arm extendedburning
is only the long
red and orange branch of
a green maple
in early Septemberreaching
into the greenest field
out of the green woodsat the
edge of which the birch trees
appear a little tatteredtired
of sustaining delicacy
all through the hot summerre-
minding everyone (in
our family) of a Russian
songa story by
Chekhov or my father on
his own lawnstanding
beside his own wood in
the United States of
Americasaying (in Russian)
this birch is a lovely
treebut among the others
somehow superficial

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