Widening Income Inequality

I live a life of appetite and, yes, that's right,
I live a life of privilege in New York,
Eating buttered toast in bed with cunty fingers on Sunday morning.
Say that again?
I have a rule—
I never give to beggars in the street who hold their hands out.

I woke up this morning in my air-conditioning.
At the end of my legs were my feet.
Foot and foot stretched out outside the duvet looking for me!
Get up. Giddyup. Get going.
My feet were there on the far side of my legs.
Get up. Giddyup. Get going.

I don't really think I am going to.
Obama is doing just fine.
I don't think I'm going to.
Get up. Giddyup. Get going.
I can see out the window it isn't raining.
So much for the endless forecasts, always wrong.

The poor are poorer than they ever were.
The rich are richer than the poor.
Is it true about the poor?
It's always possible to be amusing.
I saw a rat down in the subway.
So what if you saw a rat.

I admire the poor profusely.
I want their autograph.
They make me shy.
I keep my distance.
I'm getting to the bottom of the island.
Lower Broadway comes to a boil and city Hall is boiling.

I'm half asleep but I'm awake.
At the other end of me are my feet
In shoes of considerable sophistication
Walking down Broadway in the heat.
I'm half asleep in the heat.
I'm, so to speak, wearing a hat.

I'm no Saint Francis.
I'm in one of my trances.
When I look in a mirror,
There's an old man in a trance.
There's a Gobi Desert,
And that's poetry, or rather rhetoric.

You see what happens if you don't make sense?
It only makes sense to not.
You feel the flicker of a hummingbird
It takes a second to find.
You hear a whirr.
It's here. It's there. It hovers, begging, hand out.


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“Stay your rude steps; whose throbbing breasts infold
The legion-fiends of Glory, or of Gold!
Stay! whose false lips seductive simpers part,
While Cunning nestles in the harlot-heart!—
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For you no Nymphs their sparkling vases pour;
Unmark’d by you, light Graces swim the green,
And hovering Cupids aim their shafts, unseen.

“But Thou! whose mind the well-attemper’d ray
Of Taste and Virtue lights with purer day;
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And proved it—'twas no matter what he said:
They say his system 'tis in vain to batter,
Too subtle for the airiest human head;
And yet who can believe it! I would shatter
Gladly all matters down to stone or lead,
Or adamant, to find the World a spirit,
And wear my head, denying that I wear it.

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Universe universal egotism,
That all's ideal—all ourselves: I'll stake the
World (be it what you will) that that's no schism.
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my eyes
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wild for life, relentless and acquisitive
learning to survive
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