London Crossfigured


creeping with trams

and the artists on sundays
in the summer
all ‘tracking Nature’
in the suburbs

could have been anyplace
but it wasn’t
It was

and when someone shouted over

that they had got a model

I ran out across the court

but then
when the model started taking off
her clothes
there was nothing underneath
I mean to say
she took off her shoes
and found no feet
took off her top
and found no tit
under it
and I must say she did look
a bit
just standing there
looking down
at where her legs were

But so very carefully then
she put her clothes back on
and as soon as she was dressed again
she was completely
all right

Do it again! cried someone
rushing for his easel

But she was afraid to

and gave up modelling

and forever after

slept in her clothes

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