

for John Coltrane

after all
are syllables just
and you put them
in their place
a painter using his stroke
so the spot
where the article
an umbrella
a knife
we could find
in its most intricate
slashed as it was with color
called “being”
or even “it”


For the moment just
when the syllables
out of their webs float

We were just
beginning to hear
like a crane hoisted into
the fine thin air
that had a little ache (or soft crackle)

golden staffed edge of
quick Mercury
the scale runner


C’est juste
your umbrella colorings
dense as telephone
humming down the line

Red plumaged birds
not so natural
complicated wings

Sweet difficult passages
on your throats
there just there
caterpillar edging
to moth
in the chrome attic

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