A Bird in the House

the truth flies hungry, at least and otherous,
of which—though it may be one—Kafka said troublingly,
it has many faces

the faces one wants, tripping the light shadows of its
skin colours of its wordy swiftness, angry and solvent,
of its loud remarks

as of feeding flocks one
year, one, among the smallest birds in the Northwest, flew
into the house a darting, panic thought at the walls
and grasses perched on the top right corner of the frame

of Tom Field’s painting wherein adulterous Genji is found
out—so Lady Murasaki reads from her blue scroll—and
permitted me to take it in my hand soft, intricate

mind honouring and lift it out into the air
and the next year, again, one flew into the house,
almost certain, like a visitor, gold-crowned winged

floating about odd discoveries and alighted on the brim
of the lasagna dish my hand trembled as I took it up
and moved slowly to lift it out of the window into

the air a kind of thinking like everybody else
looking for a continuing contravention of limits and
of substance
for Sharon Thesen


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